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Register your devices

Customer account


If you purchased your devices directly from Astrocast, they will automatically be associated to your Astrocast account. You do not need to follow a registration process.


If you do not have access to a customer account yet in the Astrocast Portal, go to our registration page and choose your preferred Astropreneur Program. If you have any further issues, please contact support using

Registration methods

Using the Device Security Code

If you buy Astronode S or Astronode S+ devices from a hardware distributor (like, you must register your devices using the following data-couple:

  • Device Serial Number (e.g. ANS2114AS1000025)
  • Device Security Code (e.g. U9D7UST375W3W8AU)

These numbers are printed on the device label both as text and QR codes:


Using the Device Registration Code

If you buy end-product(s) from a device manufacturer, you may need to register your devices using another method to transfer them from their original owner to you. This method uses the following data-couple:

  • Device GUID (e.g. d275715c-6e91-4e40-94f6-c92013e7f73c)
  • Device Registration Code (e.g. Rv36V1TNFazO)

In order for this method to work, the original owner of the device must Enable the Device Registration option in his/her Astrocast account settings.

Register your devices

Using the Astrocast Portal

Click on this link and follow the instructions.

Using the Astrocast API

You must use the Register Devices API endpoint.

The POST request will have a JSON messages that looks like this:

"serialNumber": "ANS2114AS1000025",
"securityCode": "U9D7UST375W3W8AU"


"deviceGuid": "d275715c-6e91-4e40-94f6-c92013e7f73c",
"registrationCode": "Rv36V1TNFazO"